Friday, July 9, 2010

Already July!

Where does the time go?

So I've been working at my new job for a little over 2 weeks, and I love it. I love the mornings I can sleep in until 8, get up, make a fruit smoothie and then sit at my desk in my pjs and begin working! Its AWESOME! I don't like the drive when I have to go to Greenbelt... because its kinda stupid to just run down there for a meeting or so and then drive the whole hour back. But it works. I'm going to start looking into public transportation, as that may allow me to have more time to do work in my commute.

My practicum project is going... I had my second meeting with my client last night, and now I just need to write all the stuff. I have to still write my Statement of Intended Project, a Proposal, and a Contract. I am already a head with my client, working on data collection, but I'm trying to get these pieces off of my plate. I just need to find the time to do them. I had a paper due last weekend for a class, so now my evenings are more free to work on that.

I'm leaving in a little bit to go to NJ to spend the weekend with John. I was hoping that I could work from home on Monday as well, but it looks like I am going into Greenbelt for a meeting. I'll have to come home Sunday night instead... BOOOOOO! I hate these last minute meetings, they get in the way of my social life.

John and I are going out for our anniversary dinner this weekend. Last weekend was our 6th month, but since it was a holiday weekend we really didn't get any time to ourselves. He gave me a beautiful heart necklace that I've been wearing! I'm taking him to dinner... I'm thinking the Melting Pot! I love that place! :)