Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ewk! My Allergies

I don't know what has bloomed in my area that is causing this reaction (I'll have to do some research) but I'm having a larger reaction than I normally do this time of year. Watery eyes, itchy and running nose, and the occasional sneezing just make me oh so very attractive! I'm HOT! hehe

I just laid down the gauntlet yesterday with my cohort. Over the stupidest decision in the world, going outside for Learning Community (LC). A group of us wanted to go outside when we were having that amazing weather in March during class weekend, and the entire group was convinced to go - after spending over 45 minutes talking about it - when someone then decided to throw out their personal need of not wearing the right clothes to go outside. This comment put the entire group at a stalemate, and we stayed inside. This cohort has a hard time balancing its personal individual needs with the group needs, with people throwing wrenches in at the last minute after the group made the decision, in order to get their own way. Considering that they wait until after the group makes the decision to give the opposite, it almost seems like a form of intentional sabotage. I'm not sure what that is about, but this gives me more indication of people that I don't want to work with after graduation. Anyway, for this weekend, the offer was sent to the group to go outside again, so I just cleanly and neatly stated that we should assume we are going outside because the 2 factors hindering us from last time are not there, and people have until Thursday to state an argument of why it would not benefit the entire group to go outside, opposed to their own personal needs. Considering that this weekend is a class in leadership, I also posed the question, "Isn't doing something for the benefit of the whole of the group a sign of leadership?" Damn, I'm good at delivering zingers when I need to. I'm sure I'll get my ass kicked for it, but someone had to do it. But that shows the maturity level of the group.

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