Monday, May 24, 2010

What a weekend!

So, I have to share that I did something I would never normally do in a relationship, I laid my emotions on the line and shared the turmoil that was going on inside of me. I basically had 9 days straight without a break, I have a two page list of things to do, and I just want to run away. I cried with him yesterday, just letting all of the stress go, and getting it out of my system. Actually, he's so sweet, that we both laid in bed, and cried all morning.

The truth is, I just want to run away with John... running away is a trigger to me that I am not having fun in what I'm doing right now. The enormity of the amount of work I have to do is staggering, and plus I am emotionally and mentally tired, which doesn't give me the energy to do anything to chip away at my list.

So now I need to find a way to have fun! I want to do fun things! :)

But I'm proud of myself for sharing... I'm working on letting it out, and not leaving it sucked inside of me. Being authentic is where I need to spend my energy. I don't have it together all the time, I can fail, I don't have to be perfect. I am human.

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