Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hectic Day Part 2

My hectic day seems to continue into today. It started with my computer being slow to boot, as I was waiting to print something from my C drive. The meeting I was going into with the papers was left waiting while I had to wait... I hate to keep people waiting.

Then we had a crisis after that. Well, again, not really a crisis, just my boss catastrophes a conversation she had with a superior. It's all around the printing of quick reference cards I created. I will stand by my vote until the end that they all drink the kool-aid down there and take stupid pills. They, and I'm intentionally not saying who, but they are a hospital, intentionally sabotage projects. It's just a bunch of crap.

I have about 5 HUGE things on my to-do list... 4 of which include creating courses from scratch. I will do it, it's just I need to stop being interrupted by trivial things. I started designing a "newsletter" for my client today. Really, it's just a job aid for managers to use with their staff on the educational themes of the month, but I figured some continuity may be helpful. It turned out really well, and they love it. I like when I can have an easy win with a client.

Tomorrow should be crazy too. I may go hide in the conference room and work from there, just so I can get a lot done.

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