Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow and Foot Massages

I woke up this morning happy to see that we had a light dusting of snow. I really don't know why schools were delayed, but it was a beautiful sight to behold! Now we just need some real snow!

I've been reading about reflexology for awhile, and decided to pick up a book with techniques over the past weekend. It's really fascinating to me that all the parts of the body are represented in the foot, and doing some work on those points gives positive results. I've started over the last week giving myself nightly foot massages with some lotion after I get into bed. With this weather, my feet can use an extra dose of lotion, and I've been benefiting from the positive effects. I've been sleeping so much better, I feel more balanced, and I feel alive and refreshed in the morning.

Now I just need a humidifier so when I sleep my nose doesn't dry out as much. The head of my bed is right by the heat source, and when it blows hot air all night, my nose gets the brunt of it. They have cute piggie ones at Target, so I may have to go and see if I can find one.

I seem to be the only one at the office this morning... I guess everyone is taking their time getting in, oh well! More time for me to actually focus on work. I get so distracted by one of my coworkers. She likes to talk a lot, and it's easy for me to get pulled into the conversation. Such is life! hehe

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