Monday, February 16, 2009

Cold, Cold, Go Away!

Fortunately it's not an infection, but I have this lingering cold that won't go away! I think it's moving into my chest, but it's still in that light annoying stage. I've been doing reflexology on my feet, which seems to be helping. I'll get through it soon.

I can't wait to go away to school this weekend. I need the time to myself. Me time is great time, and it really is the only place where I can focus on something for me. I'm there for my education, my hotel room, my own schedule, and my own advancement. I don't have to worry about other people's opinions, thoughts, reactions, or anything else that tries to dictate what is happening. It's a blessing to have that once a month release. And, I really like my classmates. They accept me as I am, and not try to change me. I don't have to be someone they want me to be, I can just be me.

I think I'm leaving work early today after my 2:30pm meeting.... then I'm going to the gym (if there's time) and then off to bowling. I bowl because I like to bowl. I don't worry about anyone else when I'm there, or what anyone else has to stay about it. Really, the old people are old, and they like to talk - if it makes them feel better, than let them talk. In the whole scheme of things, it really doesn't matter.

I think that's what differs me from everyone else, and this is why people think that I need someone to take care of me. I don't judge. I really don't care how other people behave, or what they do, because I've lost my ability to create expectations for others. What people do is between them and God, and the only thing I can choose to control is my reaction to that. So because I don't react, I don't judge, and I am affirming translates for them into an inability to take care of myself. That's their judgement of me....

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