Monday, February 2, 2009

What a fun and crazy weekend!

My weekend fun started on Thursday when I went out with Stacey and Kevin to a Thai restaurant in Timonium. I'm so happy that I'm still in touch with them, even though they were (and still are) my ex's friends. They are such good people, and I enjoy them! I had some sushi and yummies which were great! Then of course, no outing with Stacey and I would be complete without some coldstone ice cream! hehe :)

Friday night was the night I was planning to get "tanked." I'm not one to normally get "tanked" but after the crazy three weeks I had, and class, it was my moment to celebrate with some fun. My friend and I made plans early, and we invited a bunch of people to join us. My friend Joel came, and a few of My Friend's buddies from school. WE HAD A BLAST! We started at Kooper's in Fells, had some dinner and drinks, then moved to the Green Turtle later in the evening. His sailor school friends are really good hearted people, and I haven't met any that I didn't like. I didn't get really tipsy until the Green Turtle and their yummy Dr. Pepper shots... I like those! We then stumbled back to his house and crashed.... just to wake for fun times with my car on ice...

I had parked a few blocks away on a hill, which was still kinda icy in spots. After walking back up to my car in the morning, and exhausting my resources, I had to haul him back out of the house to come save me. I hate being the damsel in distress, but I really didn't know what to do. My front tire kept getting stuck on the ice and spinning. I was rocking over the ice, hoping that it would melt, but then with the spinning came smoke and I got scared. So I had to call.... luckily he came to help me out! hehe (Not that I doubted for a minute he wouldn't help me, but I felt bad since it was so early in the morning.)

I spent the rest of the day on Saturday knitting... then I got a text inviting me out to a bar later in the evening from one of my bowling partners. I invited my friend to go with me, since I didn't want to go alone. Well, needless to say, he officially "fired me" from picking bars. I had heard that this place in Dundalk was a lot of fun, but really didn't know what to expect. The party that my bowling friend was there for wasn't over when we got there, they were actually just getting warmed up to start singing karaoke. The rest of the bar, maybe 5 people, were the locals, and they didn't appear to be very friendly. We made our escape and headed to Birds of a Feather in Fells. What a fun bar! It's very low-key, relaxed, bring your own food kinda place, and they have over 80 bottles of Scotch to choose from. My friend is a Scotch fan and was in his glory, I enjoyed a glass of wine and some nice relaxation. They have a comfy room in the back with a fireplace and couches, so next time my butt will be planted there!

Sunday, mom and I went to Cracker Barrel after church, and then I met up with my friend and his friends for a Superbowl party. I got to go to Halthrope to a really cute neighborhood and played the role of DD well. What an AWESOME game! I can't believe it came down to the wire at the end.

Anyway, it was just an overall fun weekend, and I can't wait to have more!

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