Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

My coworker offered $1000 on her facebook update for anyone to come teach a class that she is doing today... I think she forgot a few things: 1. I am on her facebook and would see that message, and 2. I wrote the class. Which means that a 2 hour session would make me an easy $1000! hehe She got a kick out of it when I left her that comment.

I've spent the morning looking at things to do this weekend. I sent my friend a text message with an idea - Disney on Ice. He "fired me" again and told me I was a "bad Amy." I do amuse myself with some of the things I come up with. His roommate's wife is in town, so I think we will be playing tour guide for most of the weekend. I was told to take charge and plan things, since he has at tendency to be lazy on the weekends, so when given freedom, I make things happen! hehe

I have a CORE team meeting at church tonight, and frankly I don't want to go. Not only do I have to attend, but I have to come up with an agenda for the meeting and facilitate it. THAT SUCKS! No one wants to be there, and no one knows what to do next. It's like herding a bunch of cats.

Last night I did finally make it back to the gym. I did 30mins on the bike, which left me a little achy this morning. But I have 100lbs to lose, and I am going to do it by next year!

I did not take photos of Ryan's scarf before I gave it to him (sorry Tracy, I forgot!) - but, I am making a space invaders double-knitted scarf for my friend, which I will take photos of and post!

The crazy employee relations nightmare person contacted me today. She had another incident with her employee and really wants to set up the expectations with them. Apparently the employee didn't call anyone to let them know that they were going to be an hour and 1/2 late to work. I called my HR employee relations person to follow-up, she apparently is the one who told me not to do anything until a drug test was completed. I don't want to leave this woman hanging, but it's not my place to handle those sorts of issues. I can facilitate the meeting, but it's up to her to enforce the rules.

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