Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who knew?

I have that Pink song stuck in my head, as it plays around and around. I wiki'd the song and apparently it's about death and dying. "Who knew?" that someone would be here tomorrow and gone the next day, and how can you know what's going to happen. Not that I'm experiencing a death issue now, but the symbolism of life always hits me as inspiring.

I can play this from so many angles... thus my creative mind that never sleeps: end of relationships, lost communications, people going out of town for awhile, new clients removed and new ones received, ash Wednesday and lent, dreams, another year older, rebirth, etc. I guess that is always why I believe that everything is interconnected - the butterfly effect as they call it. Or as I call them, "flutter-bys." They flutter by not really understanding their impact and yet so altering.

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