Monday, February 23, 2009

Suffering from too much sushi

School this weekend was really enlightening. My professor has given us a bunch of different "lenses" to look at the world through, and it's amazing what one sees when they put them. I also learned that its easier for me to observe dynamics of a group when I remove myself from the group, and it's harder for me to track when I'm in the group. I need to learn to track better in the group, as people are seeing things that I am not seeing, and to fully develop my awareness I need to learn to read the tensions. It's another skill that I will be working on to develop.

We got into a lot of diversity conversations during community time this weekend, and what that means to different people. We also have multi-generational folks in the class, which had a strong dynamic to the group. People from my generation are taught to not notice diversity, everyone is equal - which many are now thinking shouldn't have been the right approach in raising children, because than differences do not get honored. We also talked a lot about "white privilege" and what that means, and it's a really hard concept to get my head around.

I went out with some classmates for Sushi on Saturday night, and then on Sunday, I met my friend on the way home and he and I went out for it again. In our zeal for trying things we ordered WAY too much... even after eating some of it, I had a huge tray to take home, and so did he. It was very tasty, but I will refrain from over-ordering again.

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