Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The "A Paper" and Dating

Here's the deal: If I do everything on the syllabus for class, the highest grade I can get, ever, is a B+. If I want any shot at getting an A, I have to write the extra paper. So I finished writing it last night and sent it off for peer review.

I don't like writing exploratory papers. I had to pick a topic out of the following categories: gender, sexuality, culture, race, class, or spirituality. From there, I had to relate it to personality, and how a certain "type" of personality may develop based on those things.

I truly felt I was grasping for straws on this one. I hated every minute of writing it, as there wasn't concrete research, and I felt like I was making sweeping generalizations. When I explain the topic to people they think it makes sense, I just hope it makes sense in the paper. My topic is on something called "Attachment Parenting" and how more of the Catholic Church is adopting the use of this technique opposed to the traditional "catholic guilt". This is important for an OD practitioner to know (I had to add this to the paper) because adults who are raised in an attachment household and adults raised in a household of guilt have very distinct characteristics. This would be handy to know when working with teams of people who are in conflict and are dysfunctional.

I don't even know how I found the topic, I stumbled upon it as I was googling catholic and personality. What I was hoping to find was some research on the personality types of Catholics and if there is a common theme - i.e. addictive personalities, followers, compassionate, etc. Oh well, the paper is finished and is off to my two reviewers. Hopefully I was able to logically flow with this one.

I think I'm addicted to creating dating profiles online. I joined Catholic Match again last night, but I think some of these people are WAAAY too Catholic for me. This seems like an oxymoron, as I'm the one teaching Confirmation and at Mass every Sunday, and on the Parish Council. But it seems to me that some of them, by reading the profiles, lack a balance in their lives. There's a zeal there that is slightly disturbing, and I think the details of the faith are taken into consideration and they miss the "big picture". But I do enjoy seeing what kind of person I attract. Although, it's usually me making the first contact on these sites.

Anyway... back to work!

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