Wednesday, December 10, 2008


What an odd day, and it isn't even 10am.

It's actually raining and thundering outside, and supposed to go up to 60 degrees today. Considering that it was blustery and freezing the last few days, this is going to be interesting!

I've been "noodling" what to write my last paper about for my class. I have to pick 3-5 themes in my life, write what at least 3 psychologists say about my themes and their origin, and then life experiences of my own to support them. I'm having trouble narrowing down the themes, but I'm sure it'll all come to me when I'm ready to write it. It's interesting because I've been doing a lot of work on my self for a long time to rewire my themes that I can't think of too many recent life experiences to add where I fell into them. More thinking to be done...

We had an awesome bowling experience on Monday! WOO HOO! We actually swept the other team, taking all 4 points, and those ladies were bitter! They were actually very nasty, but I guess my response was one of my themes that I explored in my first paper. I didn't get angry, or feel insulted, I just felt sorry for them because bowling is the only thing that matters and they take it so seriously. It must be sad to live in such a small bubble.

I think I'm going to update my dating profile again. I had an idea of what to write, to try to explain myself better. We'll see if it gets even more responses. I've been popular lately, and I have to be honest and say that I really enjoy the attention.

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