Thursday, February 19, 2009

Almost 1000 views!

I took a look at my view counter at the bottom of my blog, and I almost have 1000 views. Hmm... how to celebrate the 1000? I'll think more about this.

So what has been going on with me the last few days:

- I spent yesterday interviewing the majority of one of my client departments. It's another case where I have to break it to management that they are a bunch of meany-pants who manage by fear and intimidation. They apparently like to point the finger, blame, scare, and then ask questions. They back off once someone stands up to them, but they target the weak. Isn't my job fun? Not sure yet how I'm going to to report the data, but it's another lesson in being firm and reporting the bad news.

- I did drop that one other pound I was hoping for in my Tuesday blog! Yay! One pound a week is my goal, and I will do it! I have huge incentive this time around. I am doing it for myself, but this added incentive helps.

- I'm finishing up all of my homework because I am heading to school this weekend. I love going to school. I know, I'm a dork, but I love it. I just learn so much and I'm with people who "get me." I have two more chapters to read tonight, and I need to finalize the project I'm working on with April. I haven't even started tackling my paper yet, but I'm still trying to figure out my model that I want to develop. I have it sketched out, but it needs more thinking.

- I am almost finished the scarf I'm making for my friend. The space invaders look really cute, and I will take photos this time and post them. I need to finish it, as he's leaving next weekend and won't be back until the warmer months. I hope we have a frolicking good time once more before he goes.

- This cold still hasn't left me. I am now in the random coughing fit stage. They just periodically happen, and it's kinda gross. But despite all of that, I'm still working out.

- My schedule is INSANE next week. Monday: Facilitating Employee Survey class in DC, Tuesday: Facilitating Part 2 of the Good to Great Class and a meeting with clients in the afternoon, Wednesday: 1-1 with my boss, Employee Survey Staff Meeting, and a Themes meeting, Thursday: Facilitating Employee Survey Class and then a combined HR and my department staff meeting, Friday: Facilitating a MBTI workshop. I'm going to need fun over the weekend....

Okay.... enough rambling for now....

1 comment:

tralatrala said...

I actually miss school and I'm researching an online program in Educational Leadership. So if loving school makes you nerdy then I am too!