Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I'm bummed that my friend is leaving at the end of the week to go to work-study, and I won't see him for a few months - but it will be in warmer weather when we meet again! He's been my weekly go-out partner, so I'm going to miss our antics! But I will be finished his scarf by Thursday, which is when we are having dinner before his departure, so that is one thing I've accomplished!

I now know why its better for me not to hang-out online at night instead of being online most evenings. I was online for awhile last night and I just find out stuff about people that I really didn't want to know. Nothing drastic, but just confirmation that people move on and things change... but such is life!

But I am happy to report that my friend Michelle at bowling finally got her man! She's been checking out this guy for awhile, and he does keep looking over at her during Monday night. We've been bugging her for weeks to go talk to him, but she never did. We found out last night that he's been eyeing her, and he finally came out and asked her out for Saturday night! Yay her! But as Ryan and I included, the boy needs to work on his game - smooth he is not. I guess he was nervous, but he just marched up and asked if she wanted to go out on Saturday night. No, "hi," no reminder of who he was or exchange of names.... Ryan and I made a hasty retreat to get out of their way, so I'm anxious to hear about what happened after we left. Ryan had to go call Heather and fill her in on the scoop! Love is in the air!

1 comment:

tralatrala said...

Hey, add one more thing to your list. Update pictures on Ravelry so I can see the projects you've finished! :)