Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Open up your mind, and see like me....

10 points if anyone knows the name of the song where my title line came from.

Anyway, bowling last night was enlightening and interesting. The old biddies yelled at Ryan and I again because we weren't playing as they see fit. Ryan and I were the only ones there, and the other people had 4 people. So I was just waiting to begin instead of going at the same time as the first bowler on the other team. Tillie didn't like that too much, and needed to explore her dissatisfaction out loud with her teammates. The rest were rather nice, but I guess Tillie didn't take her nice-pills last night. Oh well, they are old, and they don't know any better. I wonder why I can use that excuse with practically anyone.

I taught two classes back to back today on the Employee Survey. Have I mentioned how much I hate the material? It's so darn dry... Look at the report, find out what your opportunities are, write SMART goals around that, do an action plan, post it online! Really, is it that hard? I did the Refresher training early this morning, and I think some of the managers there should have went to the New Leader training I did afterwards. They seemed slightly bewildered about the whole process, and the training wasn't designed to meet them in that place, it required some advanced knowledge. At least the first 2 are out of the way. It should be interesting for the rest of the classes, as HR is team-teaching with me. Apparently all but 2 are afraid of the material, and they just complain because they have to do this. Hell, I'm complaining because I have to do this. But, considering that we just hired a high-level project manager/trainer, I can turf this to her for the next cycle and hopefully not worry about it anymore.

I finished Ryan's scarf finally last night. I even took it to bowling to finish the fringe on both ends. I think it turned out pretty well, and since it's double knitted it's very warm and cozy. I think if I were to create it again, I wouldn't make it as wide, but the pattern called for thick letters. I felt so bad about being late with the Christmas gift, but I'm so glad that he finally got it. I started working on my friend's space invaders scarf last night after bowling, which I need to finish by the middle of Feb.

Tonight I am going back to the gym. Well, let me modify that, I have to see what the weather is doing tonight and if I want to go to an icy parking lot to get to the gym. Then I have to start my reading for the next class in the middle of Feb. I am so happy that I got an A on my first paper with my professor.... now I just need to maintain that grade.

My second paper, due March 9, involves me creating my own diagnosis model for an organization. I have to highlight all of the areas I would want to review if I was gauging the effectiveness of an organization. That's the first 15 or so pages. Then, using my model, I need to diagnosis my cohort and write another 6ish pages on that.

1 comment:

tralatrala said...

are there pictures of the scarf???? i wanna seeeeeeeeeeeee!