Thursday, March 12, 2009

Horoscope Thursday

I get my daily horoscope emailed to me every morning and this morning's was very interesting. It told me to give out "long and tight hugs" "like candy" during the day, "to everyone I come in contact with" to share my "warmth and kindness" with everyone. It went on to say that the people will need that special warmth today. So - to my faithful readers, consider yourself hugged!

I would post this blog on my okcupid journal but for some reason I don't feel as safe over there as I used to. I'm getting a lot of angry vibes from people, as I read their journals and they respond to mine, which leads me to believe that I don't necessarily want to interact with them. I do things like that (blog about giving people hugs), I'm sweet. I like to give hugs and make people feel good, but not when the environment is not as safe and open to it. I don't know, maybe that is the innocent child side of me that is only shared with the right people.

I also started twittering again. There are a lot more people on it now then when I first started twittering awhile ago. Well, let me clarify that - there are a lot more news and entertainment twitters now that have some really cool updates. A few give me snippets on the fun things to do around town, others are breaking news stories. You can follow me on twitter if you want - my twitter account is amyu429. My twitter updates also appear on the right of this screen, as I have a feed to this blog.

I've been watching Bridezilla on the WE channel and I have to say that I am even more confused by relationships. I don't understand why people (especially men) stay with someone so unsuitable. Why would they behave that badly in front of the tv cameras? This goes back to my theory that people feed on drama and some men think that they need it in relationships for them to actually exist. I don't agree.

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