Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26

Hmmmmm.... what to write about today?

I'm having a comfy feet day. Instead of my normal uniform of high heels, I'm wearing silver flats with a little buckle that are adorable. They were a recent purchase a few months ago... but a woman can't ever have enough shoes! I like to live up to the stereotype.

It's almost been a year to my first anniversary to my blog. I used to have it atomically upload to my facebook account, and post it on myspace, but I stopped doing that. I have coworkers (including my boss) on facebook, and I don't want to share with them. Not that I have anything to hide, but keeping the mystery of my personal life hidden is a good thing. I'll have to do a celebratory recap on that day or something. I can't believe the year went so fast.

Time does seem to fly when we get older. I wonder why the perception changes, but it just may be that we have more things to past the time with - more responsibility. I know that I try to cherish every day, just because one is never sure when people will be taken away. My horoscope reminded me today to be connected to the Earth, as I am part of it. To be grounded - in the good way.

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