Monday, March 30, 2009

Wedding Dream

I had the weirdest dream last night. A guy that a friend has started dating asked me to marry him (in the dream those two didn't know each other), and because I was approaching 30, and feeling rushed to get on with a marriage, I said 'yes.' Then I went and planned this huge platinum wedding (I was watching Platinum Weddings on WE channel last night before bed) that cost a fortune. After the wedding, I went home, and he went home to his parents house. Then I realized what I did. That I just married some guy I didn't know, who has no ambition or a job, spent a fortune, and I don't even know the guy's last name. I called my priest on his cellphone (I do have my priest on speed dial) who happened to be out with another priest at a Mexican restaurant. I told him my huge issue, that I just married someone I didn't know, because I felt rushed... I'm home freaking out, and I need an annulment. They said I would need to fill out Annulment Form 13, and go to confession. About that time I woke up.

I think I was coming out of the dream and back into waking during the last pieces of the dream, because I was trying to figure out if I really did get married this weekend, and if I sleep-walked to pick up the phone to call my priest, because the conversation was "real" feeling. I laid there kinda confused for a few minutes.

Good thing I didn't dream about the show I was watching before that - it was on the Natgeo channel about "The Devil's Bible." My tv watching would be much better if they just showed 24-7 the Dog Whisperer. I really like that show. I get to practice walking my cousin's dog, to see if I can be a "calm assertive pack leader."

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