Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lost more weight!

So I am below my second milestone in the weight loss journey, even though it's only a quarter of a pound. I was a full pound below on Saturday morning when I was at the gym, but that was before a weekend of eating out and drinking on Saturday night.

I went to see my Aunt's new bar. It's not in the best neighborhood, actually that area of Belair Rd is very scary (the bank next door was robbed earlier that day), but the bar itself is adorable. My cousin-in-law and my Aunt's boyfriend were buying me drinks... so 3 Malibu and pineapples later left me very happy. I fell asleep sitting up in a weird position on the couch. We went there after leaving my cousin's house warming party. She purchased it from a foreclosure auction and got a wonderful deal. With some paint and some new flooring - it's beautiful! I want a house. I need to finish grad school first, but after that, I'm buying.

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