Monday, April 6, 2009

Cherry Blossom Festival

What a wonderful weekend! The bad weather on Friday finally cleared, and I headed out with family on Saturday morning to take in the Cherry Blossoms in DC. I got wind and sunburn on my face, but the beautiful day made up for it!

Yesterday was awesome too, and I spent it visiting the family cemeteries and leaving Easter flowers. Somehow it's fallen to my limb of the family tree to provide the flowers for the deceased, but we don't mind. This is how I found out about my family history and the stories that go along with the people.

I can't believe it has been a year since my life-altering moment that triggered this blog - the break-up of my first serious relationship. Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my blog, and I'll be celebrating with an update of the year. So much has happened, and I'm going to start making a list to capture it all.

Here are the pictures from the Cherry Blossom Festival!

Cherry Blossom Festival 2009

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