Thursday, April 16, 2009

Clean-up day

Today was the day that I got to finish up some open-ends at work, and run some errands before my trip tomorrow.

I completely re-designed our department's website on the intranet. It looks great! If I do so say so myself! hehehe :) I was speaking with one of our intranet gurus and asked what she used to create her good looking pages... oddly enough, Word! So I guess I didn't need the Macromedia suite that they bought me a few years ago, but it's still nice to have.

I had to run out and get a new hair-dryer, as mine died earlier this week. And while I was in the store, I decided to be adventurous and get my eyebrows waxed. I've never had them waxed before, and I was really nervous, but they were in desperate need of maintenance. I'm fortunate enough to have very light eyebrow hair, but they still needed it. It didn't hurt at all! I'll be making regular appointments, instead of trying to pluck without glasses on.... doesn't really work!

I can't wait for Maine tomorrow! It's going to be an awesome trip!

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