Monday, November 2, 2009

All Souls Day

And my soul is feeling great! I had an awesome weekend, with some good highlights to share, and I can't wait for the rest of the week!

"This is it!" was amazing! I want to see it again. For all of that man's problems and issues, he was an artistic genius. He was one of the few performers who is totally hands-on with every part of the design of the concert and it was AWESOME! I highly suggest that if you ever liked his music at all, or want to see a true artist at work, go see it!

I spent Halloween going to the Amish market, then working on my paper. We only had 4 trick-or-treaters the whole night, before I left to go out on a date around 10pm. I met one of the new guys for a drink, and I was startled. I think he's lying about his age, because all of his grey hair makes him look like my dad. I felt like the "mid-life crisis girlfriend" although he's 37 and never married. But I did enjoy my time with him, and I'm going to go out with him again to get a good read if any attraction was there. He's a really great guy, and I don't want to through him off the list that quickly.

Sunday I taught my first Confirmation class, and mean Ms. Amy had to come out. I've really perfected the art of scaring the crap out of them. It doesn't involve yelling, it just involves sitting in silence until they grow extremely uncomfortable. We sat for 10 minutes before they finally got their act together enough to continue. Now that I laid the ground-work, usually by the end of the year I just have to shoot them a look and they behave. hhehehehehe, it really is fun!

I got to play Spongebob Operation with my little cousin Ben on Sunday night. He's a riot, he handed me the cards to the game and said, "here, I can't read yet." But he helped me count all of the money that he won, by using his fingers. His mom also told me about his trick-or-treating. Apparently some kids had went up on one of the porches right before he got there, so Ben didn't get to ring the doorbell. He then informed them that he has to ring the doorbell, before they give him candy. So they were good sports, closed the door, and let him ring the doorbell and say "Trick-or-treat!" Too cute!

I have two dates planned this week, one happening Tuesday and the other Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night... I think he's shaping up to be the one I'm most interested in... we'll see!

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