Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back at my Desk

I never thought I'd be so happy to see my desk in my cube. I guess its because I know that I'm working a normal schedule and not the crazy one I've been working. Its just the second week of the roll-out and I'm already tired. I think it has to do with being there for over 12 hours each day. I think I will be fine if I'm the one actually doing the training, and not just observing. To sit in the back of a classroom and just watch is as boring as anything. The facilitators try to include me, as I wrote the material, and they defer to me on some points that they may not know the answers to... but still. Going forward I will actually be the one teaching, so I should have more energy around that. Its hard to be "on" for 12 hours, teaching from 8am-5:30pm, but with set-up and clean-up, it easily gets to 12 hours, for 2 days in a row. I at least get a resume boost for this.

Anyway, on another note... Tomorrow is my Birthday! :) Where in the world has this year gone? It felt like yesterday I was having anxiety attacks about life and turning 30... yet now I feel like I've been through a rebirth and I finally have my priorities straight. I know who I am, or at least I know more about myself, and I'm getting better with managing my boundaries. I'm not having a huge blow-out party like I did last year. I just really don't have any energy for it - as there hasn't been time for me to really plan anything. Actually, I'm not having a party at all. Mom is taking me to dinner on Thursday night, John is coming down on Friday and we are going to a Bull roast/Shrimp Feast, and then we are heading back up to NJ on Saturday morning for a birthday party for his niece and nephew. I get my present from John on Saturday, which I still don't know what it is. I'm supposed to be getting a hint in the mail any day now, but I haven't gotten it yet! I'm feeling low-key this year... don't get me wrong, I love my birthday and I love to party, but I just really don't want to plan my own party. hehehe I'll show up if someone wants to have one for me.

I'm also challenging some of my facebook friends, and John and I made a pact, to lose 10lbs by the end of June. I think if we take it in chunks, it will work. I've gained 17lbs since December. That sucks. I was actually down to a smaller size, and now that size is a little tight on me. I want to be there again! Plus I have more to lose. But I think stress at work has incensed me to make choices that weren't very healthy. Being mentally tired after being brow-beaten all day just urges me to want to eat and not exercise. But its a new day, and a new outlook on life!

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