Monday, April 12, 2010

RA RA....

So I got to sing Bad Romance (mine and John's song - I know, sounds crazy) during our game of Rock Band this weekend at Mark's. It was awesome! hehe :)

Overall I had a great weekend. Friday we did a BBQ with his parents and played Apples to Apples. Mark (his brother) and Gwen (his niece) came over, and she and I played Barbies for a few hours. She is so smart for a 6 year old! She can read well above her age group, and she has an awesome imagination. Plus she is ADORABLE!

Saturday had John and I getting up early to try our first hot yoga class together. We nearly died, but we made it through. It was so hot in there that we spent most of the time on the floor because of the fact that when we would stand we would automatically get dizzy. After we showered off, we headed over to the Bus Stop Cafe in Pitman to each lunch where his other brother works. We then took a great walk around Pitman and down to the lake, and had a blast. After a trip to get ice cream, walmart, dinner, we were off to game night. Unfortunately there was an incident with Mark's step-son as he jumped out of the 2nd floor window in his room. He's severely autistic and they have yet to find a manageable program for him. We heard a crash but thought it was the cat until the neighbor knocked on the door. He somehow got the safety-locks off of his window, and started throwing toys out of there to see how far it was. He then jumped.. breaking his wrist and twisting his ankle. Luckily the neighbor was out back when it happened and heard him crying. They spent the night in the emergency room and John and I took care of Gwen until her other uncle arrived and we got her into bed. Her uncle Chris lives there too, so he was staying with her over night. They had to ducktape the splint on his wrist until they can get a cast on it... he kept taking it off and refuses to keep it on. Poor kid... I keep praying for him.

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