Friday, April 30, 2010

Great birthday!

I really had a nice and relaxing birthday yesterday! I went to dinner with my mom to Kobe, and stuffed myself on shrimp, scallops, and steak - NOMMY! Fell into a food coma on the couch, and I'm back at work today - having an awesome quiet day because my boss is on vacation! Yay!

I was right! I am getting a bike from Johnny for my birthday! I'm so excited! I can't wait to go try it out! :) Its going to be so much fun! I'm now busy looking up biking trails to test out in NJ for Sunday. Hopefully the weather man is not lying and the weather is going to be as awesome as they are indicating!

Tonight I have a busy night. My goddaughter is making her confirmation - it was moved to this night because Bishop Borders died last week - and since I'm also the teacher, I have to be there. Which means we are going to be late to the bullroast and shrimp feast that we're going to. But it is better late than never. I actually invited a whole bunch of people to go, but only my friend Michelle and her husband Tony wanted to go, and responded. So they'll be there tonight as well! yay!

I also think we are going out to sushi today for lunch! NOM! :)

I can't wait to see Johnny! I'm so happy! I had a weird dream that he was wearing a 70s style tux and a long curly wig and he proposed to me for my birthday - WEIRD! hehe

I also have work to do today for my practicum project - I'm so excited for it! I actually have to email my client and get on the ball with that! :) Yay! :)

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