Monday, April 19, 2010

Looking good

So here's something female that I noticed... when I have my period is when I actually look my best. I glow, my hair lays right, clothes fit me correctly, and my appearance seems to pull together well.... that lasts up until about 2 weeks before my period, and then I start to look a little more goofy then normal. hehe :) Hormones are a crazy thing.

Anyway, this week is going to be NUTS! I'm off site for the next four days, either observing a class or teaching a class, or learning how to do the admin duties on site for a fill-in for two classes. This week begins the craziness of the huge roll out of classes. We are training twice, sometimes 4 times a week until June. BUSY! I'm either in the classroom for 1 of 4 reasons... facilitating the entire 2 day leadership class, facilitating a 2 hour chunk on technology, assisting for a 2 hour chunk on the technology, or being the admin. Luckily the 4 things don't happen all on the same day, but I will have 4 different hats to wear. I'm also the back-up on a few days, so if anyone gets sick, I have to be ready at the drop of the hat to step-in and facilitate the 2 days of leadership training. I'm going to need a vacation for sure when this is all over! I'm also charged with taking my laptop home with me every night, so I can be ready to go at a moment's notice. I'm definitely living for the break on the weekends.

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