Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy and Crispy Weekend

I officially got my first sunburn for the season this weekend while in DC at the Cherry Blossom Festival. And in true "Amy" fashion, its only on one arm, and my chest burn has lines in it from my necklace. Look at me, aren't I stylish!?!? hehe Oh, and I have a very clear watch line too. hehehe I have to giggle, one never knows where the sun is going to burn me. The day started overcast and I had leggings and a sweater on, but once we surfaced out of the metro in DC, the weather was warm and sunny. Off came the sweater, and after walking around the Tidal Basin, I stripped in the middle of The National Mall and took my leggings off. Luckily I had a summer dress on over it. My intention was not to wear the leggings to begin with, but it was so chilly in the morning that I needed them. My years of quickly changing in the back of coat rooms in catholic school for gym class paid off.

I'm so glad that I got to spend the day in DC, with Johnny and my family. Actually, the pictures are up on facebook, and I'll be posting them to picasa soon. After that we went to see my work buddy, Judy, in a play at her church. They did an awesome Easter Pageant called "the payment" (yes, in lowercase). It was AWESOME. The singers and dancers are really talented... as well as the band.

Johnny got to meet my immediate family yesterday at Easter... and his words were, "You really couldn't describe them to me... they were something I had to see for myself, but now that I did - WOW." heheheheheehehe - they are a crazy bunch of people really only concerned with the material side of the world. It always amazes me how they try to find happiness in buying things. And arguing over who bought the best one. My mom, Johnny, and I didn't get involved, we just sat back and let them go!

I can't wait to spend the weekend with him next week - I'm taking him and his brothers to a hot yoga class with me. This should be good! hehe :)

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