Thursday, April 22, 2010

What a Week

I knew this week was going to be crazy going into it, but not as much as it actually happened. As a department policy, the consultants have to observe a leadership class two times before facilitating it. I was doing my first observation on Monday and Tuesday of this week, when Murphy's Law took over. The vendor facilitator from Towers Watson was sick, didn't call his backup, so I had to step in. Luckily for all those involved I actually wrote 2 sections of the training, so this rule didn't magically apply to me, and it went off without a hitch. But I almost fell over when I was told that I was stepping in. I didn't prep for that, so they found me a cubby to do some quick studying before I went in to teach it. Then I had a different class that I didn't prep for to teach this morning, because I was so busy trying to keep ahead of the 2 day one I got thrown into. Luckily I pulled that one off without a hitch too... but CRAZY.

I'm finally back at my cube, and I'm counting down to 4pm when I leave for the day. At that point I have to go buy a Marc train ticket, because I will be spending the day in DC observing some more tomorrow, and doing my training to be an admin when I have to fill in for that. Why is it that I have 4 jobs to play in this whole thing, when most only have 2? I'm tired.

Thank goodness for Yoga tonight and then my weekend with John. I think we are going to do some hiking - I need the mental break to just relax and refocus.

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