Tuesday, August 26, 2008

36 weeks

Last night I started my new bowling league, and I have to tell you that I was surprised. We thought it was just 15 weeks, like the Summer League, but no, it's 36 weeks - which takes us through April. Not too shabby!

Although, I think this league is much better managed, and there seems to be more of a group atmosphere than my previous league. They do a weekly 50/50 raffle, and there's a Holiday Party thrown in as well. Well, they called it a Christmas Party, but Ryan was offended because he wants to celebrate Kwanzaa this year, so I renamed it in my head to Holiday Party. I'm going to start covert tactics where I call it 'Holiday Party' whenever I hear someone mention it, in hopes that the new terminology will catch on. It seems to work ... I have a whole population of people saying "Oh my!"

We bowled really well for our team. But I think we are clearly out maneuvered, as this league has been bowling together for a really long time. We are also the youngest group, so I feel like a bunch of whipper-snappers who can't hold their own against the big dogs. So, this time we aren't in it for the money, we're in it just for fun! hehe :) But we have 36 weeks to improve! My fingers are crossed!

My body is craving gym time. I wasn't able to make it this weekend, nor last night, so hopefully I can get there tonight. I have a meeting with my past league to collect the prize money, so hopefully we placed high enough to get something! Or at least break even. Paying almost $20 a week, plus buying all the equipment, I'd like to see some of it back.

Aside from taking a cruise next year for our 30th birthdays, I think Ryan and I are going to have an old fashioned bowling party. Party like we're 10! hehe :) All the friends and family are invited, so start planning for Bowl-O-Birthday 2009! Coming to an alley near you in April/May of that year.

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