Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Art of Manliness

I was reading my favorite website this morning, mentalfloss, when I came upon their usual "morning cup of links" - which are a bunch of interesting links to random websites that are worth reading.

One that caught my eye was an article for men on how to be a modern knight for their woman. After following the link, I stumbled upon a very interesting blog called The Art of Manliness. Apparently one man and his wife are trying to resurrect the world of gentleman and give guys tips on everything from leadership to the hidden meaning of flowers given to a woman.

I'm a huge supporter of this. I've always been attracted to men who are gentleman, and know how to behave in social situations, and treat me with the utmost gentleness and respect. I'm an independent woman, but I like to feel special and important to the man I'm with. I extend the same courtesy to them, so I expect it in return.

More men should read this...

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