Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lost pictures!

I was able to get the photo lab to fix my mixed-up CD that they burned for me, and have the rest of the pictures posted below. These are more of Horseshoe Bay, Tobacco Bay, and the Glass-Bottom Boat ride.

I've sweet talked my friend Ryan into planning a 30th birthday cruise for us next year - as our birthdays are only a few days apart. We'll be celebrating somewhere, and of course, we'll do it up big! That's just how we roll! If anyone is interested in going with us, let me know, and I'll include you in the planning.

I still feel a slight rocking left over from my week on the boat, it hits me at the oddest times. Hopefully I'll have my land-legs about me in time for bowling on Tuesday.

I don't even want to get on the scale on Tuesday for the weekly weigh-in. I was good the first 2 days at sea, with going to the gym every morning, and doing laps around the walking track... but I know that food killed me. I also got a lot of exercise walking around Bermuda as everything is up - but not my normal 16 mile daily bike rides. I'm used to eating small meals, not 3 courses at every sitting - hopefully the damage won't be too bad!

Back to work tomorrow.... blah!

Bermuda Album 3

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