Thursday, August 14, 2008

got my books!

I got my books in the mail yesterday for school. I had a moment of panic when I looked at the syllabus and said, "Holy Sh*t what did I get myself into?" Then I took a moment, began processing the work, and calmed myself down.

I have to get myself out of the mindset that this is a really big training workshop. Normally you go to one without pre-work, have some prep work before the next session, maybe a demonstration of the transfer of knowledge in some sort of presentation, and then it's all over. Now I have to start writing papers again, in the standard APA sytle.

But I can do it, the shock has worn off. I have about 5 chapters to read in both books, and a 5 minute presentation due on my first day on a challenge that I think is upcoming in my field, complete with a 1-page handout. I also have to post my resume on blackboard and do a few additional article readings on there.

What I'm worried about is one of the 2nd assignments due during the 2nd class meeting. It's another 5 minute presentation on what types of ethical situations that I think are going to challenge me to be ethical. I say this, because maybe I'm just not self-aware, but I don't think I have any.

I learned a long time ago that people in my family don't get a break. If it's raining in the neighborhood, it's hailing directly on my house. Murphy's Law follows us around like glue. I won't go into the whole bit about choosing our attitude and learning to have humor about it... but I have learned to always do the right thing, because if anyone would get caught not doing the right thing, it would be me.

I'm literally the type who would walk 5 extra blocks with blisters on my feet because I don't have permission to cut through some one's yard, and they aren't home for me to ask. I stand in line and wait my turn, even though everyone else is cutting in line. I'll give someone the last cupcake, even though I haven't had any, and they had 4.

I don't mess with Karma - that is some nasty stuff! So I stay out of trouble with it by doing the right thing. I've gotten my hand figuratively burnt a few times when I was younger by doing something that everyone else told me would be okay, but it just so happened that on the day that I finally gave in to do it, I got caught.

I'm not perfect, but I don't see myself getting caught up in any of the ethical dramas that run crazy in the media. I'm not going to embezzle, discriminate, alienate, give bad press, or throw my coworkers under the bus for my own gain.

But the whole point of the program and why it's taught this way is in fully understanding yourself, and how you show up to consulting situations. There are people out in the world looking for a quick buck over the client, and I know some people who may seem like they have the best intentions in mind in the field, but would engage in unethical behavior. But these people won't necessarily share their hidden agenda out in the open like that either.

What exactly is she looking for in that assignment? Oh well, I guess it will unravel as I get more and more into it....

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