Tuesday, August 12, 2008


What a tragic hero!

I've been reading the much awaited "Acheron" in the Dark Hunter series by Sherilynn Kenyon, and I love it. Actually, I read about 75% of the hard-back last night, and I was almost late for work while reading it this morning getting ready.

I started reading her books by accident, as something interesting I stumbled upon one day in the Romance section of my local B&N. Only a few were out in the series at the time, and I quickly devoured them to catch up.

Her books can be read independently, but to fully grasp the concept of the severity of everything happening in the plot line, it's best to read all of them. She, and Laurel K. Hamilton, in my humble opinion, hold the records for creating the best versions of alternate reality. The books are set in contemporary times with a lot of humor, smart-ass wit, and kick-ass action.

The Dark Hunter series, which would take me forever to explain the ins-and-out of, is based on a set of immortal men who are sworn to protect humans, and no one knows who/what they are. The entire story stemmed from, which I learned in this book, the fear/jealousy of a set of triplets who happened to be the Fates. Their words set a path in motion for the most heart-wrenching story. Fear, jealousy, and love drive most of the characters, often with too much power to know any better. We learn in the series what happened to Atlantis, the stories of the Greek gods, and how love always wins - but sometimes with a price.

The tragic hero in all of this, Acheron, is my current fictional crush. If there is a man out there like him, please come find me! hehe :)

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