Wednesday, August 20, 2008

nunsense, it's habit forming

That's a play on words from a line in the musical Nunsense - really great show if anyone wants to laugh. But anyway....

Nonsense seems to be around me. I feel like it's been "opposite day" all week, and it's just Wednesday. Last night at bowling I totally kicked butt (for me, kicking butt is breaking 100). It took me 15 weeks to figure it out, but during the first 2 games everything was just gellin' for me. I tried a new approach, and was consistently picking up the spare. My first ball always goes array, it's almost as if I need to test out the waters before sending in the mission critical ball, but my second nailed it! I was so excited that I even ordered my own bowling ball. That's right, the Amy not only has awesome bowling shoes, but she now has an awesome bowling ball! Watch out, who's bad? (Just shake your head and walk away, it's much safer that way.)

I also had the weirdest conversation online last night with a guy I met from OKC. We wanted to see our WTF report (yes, it stands for what you think it stands for), which explains where the discrepancies are in our match percentage, and what could be potential hazards. He and I only match in the mid-60s, and we have an enemy rating of 28% to each other. After reviewing the report, we decided to talk about it, to fully understand the intent about why we answered questions a certain way, and what our fundamental driving beliefs are.

Do you know that I had a more in depth and profound conversation about my beliefs and what I'm willing to bend on with a virtual stranger, than I had with men that I was supposed to be falling in love with? Shouldn't that be the other way around? We're going to try out friendship and see how that works.

Then, this morning, to complete opposite week so far, I facilitated the intervention between the Orange Station team members. This was the group that I had to be prepared for, as ugliness flies in every direction there. It actually went well! They were entirely civil, participative, and came out with some great expectations for each other. The one physician was not there, and she seems to be about 60% of the problem, as she diagnosis through sticky notes - with no ID on which patient the sticky note belongs to. Then the MAs get yelled out for not being able to match up the sticky notes and take care of the patients as the physician intended. Some people just don't make logical sense.

It was my friend Brian's birthday yesterday - BIG BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUTS TO HIM! I'm excited as there is talk that he may be coming into town to visit me! Yay! If it works out, I'm planning a surprise for him.... my fingers are crossed that the plan is coming together.

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