Monday, June 1, 2009

The Power of Now

So as I had mentioned in an earlier blog, I wanted to go to a therapist to get an understanding of what happened to me, and how I got into that stressful mental situation. I had my first session with her on Saturday, and she basically said, "Congratulations, you're human!" Wow - Look ma, no hands! We had a great laugh about it, as she fully got and understood that I understood what I was doing to myself and how I couldn't stop it at that time. And it finally took me a week of mental chewing before I allowed myself to put everything in perspective, which has been freeing and wonderful since about last Tuesday.

She also recommended a book for me to read, "The Power of Now," by Eckhart Tolle. The book is more about finding the path to enlightenment, which is really fascinating. I don't think I'm going to turn into a zen-master any day soon, but his insight into the human mind has been eye-opening. His philosophy is that the human mind is a tool, just like an arm, leg, teeth, etc. But the mind "takes over" and doesn't stop thinking - you become your mind. Every illusion (right or wrong) that you have about yourself is just that, an illusion about who you are created by your mind, and it's not true. At this point he gets spiritual and talks about the essence of Being, and the real you is hidden beneath the surface - it's not all the anxiety, thoughts, fears, or anything else your mind makes up. The mind's favorite job is to solve problems, so it will create mountains out of mole-hills when something happens in order to have something to do.

The mind also only knows how to live in the past or live in the future; it's really not sure what to do with the Now. So it will dwell on past experiences, re-solving and re figuring how to do it differently, or it will create anxiety about the future and the unknown, and continue to search for something better than there already is in the Now. My mind's orientation is for the future. I'm really good at letting past experiences go, as I consider them learning experiences and put them to rest. But I focus on my future goals so much that I forget to live in the now. The only moment we have is this moment, and anything the brain can create is a projection/illusion of something that might not even happen in the future. His suggestion is to totally focus right in this moment, and when you observe your mind leading to thoughts about the future that cause you anxiety or fear, return back to the Now.

Pretty neat stuff! He also goes into how to find your essence of Being, and focusing your attention inward to be with yourself and not letting your mind take over... to sit in peace and stillness. The essence of Being is the life force that never ends inside of us, it always is and is always connected to the Source. I love this stuff! lol

I wish I found this book when I started my blog, as I guess I've been on a path to live "in the moment..." and my journey has now seen a sign that it can hold onto. I also am a woman of faith, and I came to the conclusion and revelation this weekend that the Lord will provide. I knew that, but I needed to hear it again. I reminded myself that I am the Lord's child, and no parent wants their child to suffer. The Lord will make sure that I am fulfilled in the future, in the best way that is for me, and I don't have to worry about it - that's His job.

For those wondering, the trick of the book is that when you start worrying about future events, to take a moment, breathe, and think if any of those worries are happening right now. How am I doing right now? And usually anything you are imagining isn't happening right in the moment. So staying focused right in the moment will help quiet the mind about thinking about the future or the past. Because what you are imagining is probably far scarier or worse than what actually will happen - because we really don't know what will happen.

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