Monday, June 29, 2009

Paper writing and other thoughts

I had a pretty good weekend: went out with my mom to see The Proposal, talked to my awesome friend Sam, picked up a new book to read on enlightenment, and worked on my paper for class. I'm almost finished the paper, as I have about 2 more sections to get through before I can call it done. I have to finish it by Thursday since I'm going to be away on vacation the next week.

Ohhhhhhhhhh Vacation.... how I love vacation. I'm going on a mini cruise with my Mom to Nassau and NCL's private island over the weekend - Friday to Monday. We are leaving from Miami on Friday. Then I spend the rest of the week, leaving on Wednesday morning, with Sam in Austin. Gosh, I can't wait to go and see him! It's going to be so much fun! I love seeing new places, and just having fun! He has a special place in my heart!

So what have I been pondering about in my life... well, I was talking to April (my classmate) about this last week. I'm bored. I've spent so much time just focused on making my career, getting educated, hitting my goals that I feel like I missed out on having fun. I also feel like I missed out on building really good friendships with other people. I love my friends, don't get me wrong, but I started to see that is part of what is missing from my life. My friends met mates, which I don't fault them for, and I love their mates, but that person became their go-to person, and I faded in the background as I became so engrossed in my career and life. Then I woke up around my 30th birthday and realized that while most everyone has someone else, I don't. I'm not necessarily talking about a mate, I'm just talking about someone to call and shoot the breeze with, or someone to run to the mall with. That person for me has been my mother, whom I love very much. But as I get older I need more relationships than just with my mother. I need close friendships. This is no one's fault, it's life and it happens, but I just need to get out there and start reviving the friendships.

One of my circles of intentions that I created was about having intimate relationships with deep love. I don't necessarily mean sexual relationships with that, I mean good friendships that just warm the heart so much that it hurts. Someone I can share all my secrets with. I need to start sharing... and I have that to some degree with my friends now, I just need to develop that more. I also need some single friends, and I'm starting on that path at school with April and Nidhi. It feels good to know that I'm not alone. They are trying to live their lives too, and are going through the same crap that I am.

1 comment:

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