Friday, January 8, 2010

Shouldn't have lunch by myself...

... because when I do, I start thinking and reorganize the big training project we've been working on for a few months now. Its just when I step back, and hear the updates about some decisions being made, it doesn't seem logical to teach it in the pattern that we are teaching it. But that's just my analytical mind looking at all angles.

I'm really excited because J is coming to dinner tomorrow night. I can't wait! I'm staying in tonight to get ready for the dinner party tomorrow that my mom is throwing, and to work on some of my homework and prep for Confirmation class on Sunday. I really wanted to go out with Stacey and have some girl time, but we'll go out one day next week. J is staying overnight, so I kinda have to get stuff off my plate so I have time to spend with him.

It snowed again. Yay snow!

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