Sunday, September 21, 2008

flat on my back... and not in a good way

So, remember that whole dancing thing I was so excited about and missed yesterday? Yeah, now I remember why I haven't been dancing in a long time.

Well, actually, there is more to it then that.

About 8 years ago, between junior and senior year of college, I had a slipped disc issue with my lower back. The last one, L-something, slipped completely out to the left and onto my sciatic nerve. The one right above started slipping to the right. For some reason, like most things in life, things affect me differently than normal, and my problem was that I couldn't sit for long periods of time. (People with this problem normally have to sit, and can't stand.) My entire leg from my buttocks to my feet would suddenly go numb, and I would fly out of my chair, which would relieve the pressure.

After a few x-rays and a MRI, I was sent to the neurosurgeon. I had to wait a few weeks for my appointment, and by the time I actually got to see him, I was no longer experiencing pain. I tribute this to prayer, as my neurosurgeon took one look at my MRI and asked how it was possible that I even walked into his office.

He did some tests, and basically told me not to do any heavy lifting, and just be very careful of how I sit/move, so I don't hurt it again.

Fast forward to the purchase of our new living room set about 3 years ago. Apparently the overstuffed/over-sized chair is not a good piece for me. In order to rest my back against the back of the chair, I have to practically climb into it, and I usually end up leaning on the side with my legs curled up. I normally get up from it with my back hurting (it's not the legs curled up thing, because that's how I sit on the sofa without problems), so I made a mental note not to sit in it.

Well, sometimes I'm in a rush, and I forget. Or I figure I'll only be sitting there for a minute, and sit. Saturday morning I had to get up and take my mom to the eye doctors. I made myself a mini bagel, and because I didn't feel like moving all the pillows off the sofa to sit on it, I sat in the chair. When I got up, my back went into spasm. I was able to function, and when we got back from the doctor's, I laid on the floor for awhile stretching it.

Later that night, after a hot shower, I was feeling fine with just some tenderness, so I did a lot of dancing/wiggling. Again, it wasn't hurting when I was doing it, so I thought I had worked out the muscle spasm. Yeah no...

Last night I was sitting slouched in my computer chair, and when I went to sit up, I couldn't. When happens is that my muscles seem to relax themselves so much, that they aren't firm enough to life me using my core (or at least that's what it feels like). I have to use my arms and legs to brace myself, and basically "climb" up from a seated position, as using the core muscles are out of the question. I figured a good night's sleep will fix it.. but I spent most of the evening bracing myself, as I couldn't roll over unaided. Bending forward is out of the question, so I had to do a modified side bend to get to my shampoo and shave my legs this morning. I'm sure to an outside, it would look hysterical.

I had to cancel my canoeing trip with Ryan and Heather, which I was really bummed about. I just didn't think it would be a good idea for me to climb in and out of a canoe, and try to paddle, in this condition.

It usually goes away after a day or so... as it works it's own self out. But I guess it taught me to things - 1. Don't sit in that chair, stupid! and 2. I'm getting old.

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