Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scent linked to memories

I was shampooing my hair this morning and I used shampoo that I got in Hawaii when I was last there with my ex (I haven't used it in a couple of months, as I've been using new stuff). It's amazing what a scent can do for the memories, as everything of that trip came back to me: walking on the beach, fun on the balcony, sailing, visiting, and just relaxing... wow! The power of memories!

Anyway, I've been reading my chapters to get ready for my next class in October, but I haven't even started writing my paper yet. I have to have 7-8 sources for a 3-5page paper (double spaced)... so this should be interesting!

My boss also mentioned that she is feeling out of the loop and wants to be over communicated to - so I've been sending her 8 paragraph detailed emails about what I do all day. I think it's overkill, she thinks it's 'helpful'. But whatever!

Anyway, more meeting prep to do... I'll write more later!

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