Monday, September 15, 2008

In the moment... again

The strong theme for the weekend was to "trust the process" and "live in the moment" of what is happening, and learn from it. We learned yesterday that there are a lot of "reflective and thinking" type people in the class, which is going to force me to stop and not push for a deliverable so quickly. I like ambiguity, but I like knowing what I'm supposed to deliver after I figure it out - because, like everyone else in the class, I have a strong need to get it right. Especially when there is a grade attached to dealing with the ambiguity, and a B- is below a 3.0, and you "failed".

But, it's the process that is the learning, not the learning in a means to an end. As long as I keep that in the front of my mind, I can stumble through it.

I have a lot going on this week: bowling tonight (which conflicts with the Parish Council meeting that I was appointed to last week, therefore I'm skipping Parish Council until next month, to not let my team down), two meetings tomorrow toward DC, homework for my small group due Tuesday, and my problem child on Wednesday morning. That takes me to Thursday... and well, I haven't even looked that far yet.

But.... trust the process!

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