Monday, September 8, 2008

getting ready for school

All weekend I've been working on homework, or rather "prework", to get ready for Wednesday. I finished all of my readings, my paper, and my brochure, so all that is left is to show up on Wednesday for Orientation.

I took a drive yesterday to plan my route, so I know how to get from the hotel to AU, and back, without hardship. There are a lot of hidden signs that say "no left turn" and traffic circles to contend with, but I think I'm going to be fine. Plus, I have my garmin, so if all else fails, it'll find me.

I'm ahead of schedule for the website at work, and I like to keep it that way. I just hope IS keeps with their part of the bargain, as I haven't heard from them since the meeting. I keep sending them status updates of things that are completed, but one date that I'm hanging on is Sept 12. Paul has to have the DB they created for us re-worked so it has the fields that I need. I can't start populating it online until they are there.

Bowling is tonight, which I'm really excited about. I missed not going last week, so I'm looking forward to tonight. And of course, no bowling evening would be complete without grilled cheese! We do have pay sanctions again, until we get everything fixed (if at all) from the bowling fiasco. I'm still feeling very removed from that, as it's just so damn surreal.

Busy Busy Busy! :)

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