Friday, May 8, 2009

Stirring the brownie mix

I was able to relax most of my joints yesterday evening after doing some yoga on the mat at the gym. I felt great! But then I went home and worked on my paper, got tense from the position that I was sitting in, and all of the wonderful yumminess went away.

After getting ready for bed, while in the bathroom, I decided to do some of the bodywork movements that we were taught when in Bethel with Janet. She's a really cool eccentric lady, so I started repeating some of her phrases. I was telling myself to "move with the flow, feel the flow, stirring the brownie bowl" while twisting, weaving, and moving my body in ways that felt good and natural. I caught myself in the mirror and it was surprising how sensual my natural movements are when not trying to control them.

I then decided that this is one of those hidden camera moments where if someone saw me doing this, they'd probably have me locked away! But I was having a good old time! LOL


Today is my longest known and dearest friend's birthday - Happy 30th Ryan! He's my brother from another mother, and I'm glad I was invited to celebrate with him tonight. We're going to eat some yummies and watch the CAPS! I'm wearing my red! :)

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