Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Catching up!

Wow... life has been a whirlwind the last few days, and I finally feel like I can take a breath. Actually, I took a lot of breaths last night as I went to a breathing session with David. I'm a paying customer now, but I got so many benefits of it last night. It was so relaxing.

Anyway.... what's new?

Well, we left work on Friday early to go to my coworkers in Fells Point for a happy hour and surprise baby shower for another coworker. We all needed the wine from the horrible week we had at work. It was just so intense, and our boss' nuttiness doesn't help. I left there and drove up to NJ to be with Johnny.

Johnny and I had an awesome weekend. The weather finally warmed up, and we spent the weekend outside... on Saturday exploring Parvin State Park and then on Sunday exploring different neighborhoods in New Jersey around his church. Because I got to spend some much time with him, I realized that I really really love him. I knew I loved him before, as I love everyone, but I learned this weekend that I am totally head-over heels in love with him. He is such a good man, and I feel so adored when I am with him. I always wanted something like this, and now I have it - and its wonderful! The universe does supply what you need, you just have to know what to ask for. I've found my life partner.

The last two days I've been off site at a Train-the-trainer for the big project we are working on. Its been nuts. First I'm facilitating, then I'm not because I don't have management experience.... yet I'm invited to the TTT anyway to present the material that I designed. Apparently I totally kicked ass doing it because now they want to put me back on the schedule to facilitate. Lord only knows what is going on now!

Anyway, we have so much work to do!

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