Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dreaming Again

I guess I knew that I was going to have a relaxing day today, because I actually went to bed, was able to relax totally and had some crazy dreams. I am going to blame it on the Tacos I had for dinner. So very vivid... but so wacky! Typical!

I am prepping for class this weekend. I think Johnny is actually going to come down and stay with me in DC, which will be a lot of fun. I'm staying at a new place (well, new to me) so this should be good. One of my classmates emailed me to let me know that there is a marathon on Saturday morning in DC, so it looks like a lot of road closures are going to impact us getting to school that morning! Great! Johnny gets to meet some of my friends from school, the girls, so this would be a good time. I think Svenja is bringing David and Stephanie is bringing her husband Jay, so he shouldn't be alone! A table full of women is always daunting.

I got a lot finished today... taking care of a lot of business things that don't involve the big project that I've been working on. Today is the pilot of the program, so I have two days of non-craziness before it starts back up with changes on Thursday. I don't think it will ever be finished, we keep tweaking things. But according to my boss, it has to be perfect. I think her perfectionism is hindering our team. But that is just my professional opinion.

I'm about to start my practicum for school - yay, more pro-bono work! I have an idea for a client, but we'll have to see how my boss feels about it. She has to totally butt out of the work! And that is going to be hard for her, since its a work client that I don't have current contact with. Otherwise I would have to take vacation time to do it. I want my vacation time.

I kicked ass yesterday to get everything finished for them... so I deserve my time away from them.

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