Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Graduated from Therapy

Last night I offically graduated from therapy. My boyfriend is going to throw a little party for me on Friday night because of it! hahahaha!

Actually, it was an uneventful session, as I again told her where I am in life and she made the comment that I've come so far and I really have myself back to a comfortable place without anxiety attacks. I guess my friend Jenn was right when she mentioned that everyone has episodes and I just was not used to handling them. I also got to meet my therapist's grand-dog, who ended up scratching my nose. But very cute! hehe

I've taken to journaling in a private space at night before I get into bed. Its two for the price of one journaling. I do some quiet meditation and deep breathing while I'm writing, and then I end up sleeping really well. Although I don't want to get up in the morning because I am so comfortable. I actually fell asleep sitting up last night at my laptop with my head propped up against my jewelry box. I was working on my paper, got sleepy, and just closed my eyes for a second. 30 mins later I woke up and decided to go to bed! I can fall asleep anywhere. Which is kind of amusing since I'm very flexible. Some positions I relax into seem to be body-defying.

Mmmmmm.... Zen tea. I have a nice big hot cup of my favorite tea - Tazo Zen. Its a mix of lemongrass and spearmint. The smell alone puts me into a Zen state. I wonder if I can find incense with this mix of smells... it would be wonderful to yoga too. By the way, I invented a verb last night - yogaing. It means to do yoga. My therapist liked it.

I have two more sleeps before I'm back in Johnny's arms again. I count things by sleeps. I always have, but it seems to help the time go faster! I get to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday with him, which is going to be wonderful. He keeps my feet warm, rubs my back, and doesn't mind holding me until I fall asleep. What a guy! :)

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