Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 2 of Relaxation

Today marks the 2nd day of not having a crazy work schedule. Actually, I'm pretty much the only one here right now, which is a good thing. I get to work on some school stuff again, before the crazies get back to the office tomorrow.

I'm sure they will be in a flurry, making last minute changes before the executive pilot next week, but I'm not here on Friday, so for once they are on their own! Yay!

I saw an interesting post on facebook from my friend Lori at work... she's actually off today to celebrate St. Patty's. I think she was meeting people at 7:15am for Irish Car Bombs before her friends went to work! That's INSANE! But those who are dedicated to the cause of St. Patty's are like that... or so I hear. I'm sporting my green today, even though I'm only Irish by association. Everyone thinks I look Irish, so I guess I can pass for it in a pinch.

Today is also the 1 year anniversary of my Uncle Jerry's death. I'm going to have a Coors Light at dinner tonight in honor of him. He passed away unexpectedly last year, which had a crazy impact on the entire family. But such is life.

I haven't heard from Johnny yet this morning, which is odd. I know that his dad was going in for some laser surgery today to remove some cancer cells from his head, but he seemed fine last night when we both went to bed. We always chat via text message, and we had our usual good night conversation. Our inside comment is that we say we love each other "SO BIG!" - like little kids do. He sent me a picture last night with his arms spread wide doing "So BIG!" so I made that the wallpaper of my phone and changed the welcome message to "I Love you SO BIG!" - now I'll always have a reminder. He's such a sweet guy. I'm a dork, but a sweet one.

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