Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Falling asleep...

I knew my sugar high was going to have me crash. My eyes are so sleepy as I sit at my cube and wish I can crawl under for a nap.

I went out to Target to pick up a few odds and ends and I got a few fun things for me. I'm joining a book club with my cousins, so I got that back. It's called The Book Thief, and as I was reading about it online, it's a young adult book. Apparently it was released overseas as an adult book, but in the US its considered young adult. I wonder why they are reading a young adult book? This isn't my group of younger cousins, they are around my age. I'm interested to see how this goes.

I also picked up the newer cd by Pink. The song "please don't leave me" has been stuck in my head for awhile. I really do like her work, so I just had to pick that up in order to rock out to it. I also picked up a binder for my mid-year review at grad school. I got a pretty green one, now I just need to make sure everything gets into it. It is due in August the weekend I am back in school. My final indulgent purchase was The Secret. I've heard so much about the book lately that I needed to see it for myself. I wonder if I already know the secret?

I feel like I know a secret. I've been feeling so free ever since this weekend. I keep telling people about it, but I guess I'm trying to get them used to the idea that I'm moving on and am going to start living for me. I feel so much better, as I finally figured out what I want to do. I'm going to travel for work and move out of Baltimore. I've also felt that I'm bigger than Baltimore and have so much to bring to the world. Just thinking about it makes my soul feel good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amy, you are absolutely going to love The Secret. I have both the book and the documentary. It really is life changing. (But be warned that many Christians feel it goes against our beliefs)