Friday, July 31, 2009

Kicking in protest

Have you ever wanted to roll around on the floor and kick your feet in protest?

I really need to stay away from facebook or twitter. It allows me to look into the lives of past boyfriends and pisses me off. Do I want them back? HELL NO. I just want to tell the world to stay away from them. Yes, I'm being honest and frank.

I'm not being conceited, but most of these guys didn't deserve me, and treated me like shit. When they weren't playing hard to get, they were cold, unemotional, or too concerned with their own lives to pay me enough attention. I never asked anything from them, ever, yet they broke it off with me. Yes, I was an idiot for staying, but I was blinded by lust and love. That's not an excuse... hell, I'm even to blame too. It takes two to tango. But sometimes I want to rage at the women they are with now and tell them to run away. That they will never change, and explain how they treated me, so that they can fully understand what the new love of their life is truly capable of.

Is that wrong? Probably. The old Amy would be horrified at me saying this, but the new Amy places blame where it is deserved. I never deserved to be treated that way.

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