Monday, December 21, 2009

Blizzard of 2009!

What a wonderful weekend spent inside knitting! I did do some work on Sunday night, but I mostly spent it working on a sweater for one of my 4 year old cousins. My first sweater, and its adorable! Its easy to work on, since it is so small, I don't get bored with it! hehe

I used the Law of Attraction to manifest a man with a back-hoe, who showed up yesterday afternoon and actually cleared the 10 feet+ that the snow plow usually leaves in front of our parking pad. We normally have to shovel far out into the street to just get the cars out. I don't know if I really manifested him, but I was hating doing the work, and was wishing that someone would come by and fix it. It worked! He got a few of my neighbors plowed out too, before disappearing around the corner! Good man! hehe My mom was teasing me that I was dating 4 different guys a few months ago, and now that I'm not, we get a blizzard. I found humor in that as well.

I gave up on the shoveling at one point and just fell back into the snow and made a snow angel. The only thing I don't like about making snow angels is that I always mess them up when I get out of them. I need someone to come by and just pick me up, so I don't get stuck and mess it up! hehe

I also saw pictures of one of my ex's new girlfriend - sometimes a woman just knows when to admit defeat. She's amazingly beautiful and so photogenic. Hopefully she treats him well, as he really is a good guy. No, I am not talking about my most recent ex. Not that I wanted to get back with him or anything, but just saying.

I'm starting to get a crush on the new guy, J. We've been emailing a lot with each other, and his sense of humor just cracks me up. He gets my humor, and just goes with it. We have invented a story about someone we call FJ - i.e. Flat J. Since J lives out of state, we started teasing that I can just print out a life-size picture of him and carry it around - Flat J. The story line is about my adventures with FJ, as since he is 1-dimensional his brain isn't all that functioning. I think J told me that FJ was raised by bats and grew up in the wilds of the backwoods of NJ, that's why I found him in my closet hanging upside down with his ipod on the other morning. He only speaks piglatin ebonics too, so I have to communicate with a translator. LOL I do crack myself up. hehe :) But he's on the right track for winning me over - get my creative brain going and have me laughing! hehe :)

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