Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What an Experience

It has been a hell of a day. But in a good way. Very busy, but very productive. I taught a class this morning about communications and I'm pretty sure I knocked it out of the park! All 21 of them were totally engaged with lots of activity and chatter - I think it was worth it! I got back and had to get our catalog posted on the web, and then I was in a design meeting this afternoon. I'm able to sit down and write.

Last night was AWESOME with David. I had a breathing session with him, my 5th, and I really tapped into something. We had a long conversation, and I started to be authentic. He called me on my shit, and he knows that I play the "game." He found me out. So we talked about my fears and my challenges with taking up space and power... which was a helpful conversation. We think I hide behind words just as much as I hide behind fat. Interesting connection that I hadn't made and then saw.

During the breathing, I felt a lot of fear, and was able to cry that out. Then I had an amazing experience. My body shifted into a very open position, and it felt like energy was pouring out of me like light - just running like a raging river. I felt like I was engulfed in light, and all of my charkas were engaged. Afterwards David asked what happened, and then told me that he didn't see the light but he felt it. He said that he wasn't sure when, or how, but suddenly my energy filled the room and basically poured out of me hitting him in the gut. He couldn't do anything but sit in it, as it was a wonderful thing to witness and see. He said it was almost like I was fighting it, then my subconscious said, "hell with this, I'm letting it go" and it just happened. I let go. I felt so open and calm afterwards. My body was actually vibrating with energy, almost humming. It was amazing! I'm still feeling the aftershocks now.... hehe

Off to the gym tonight! I am safe to be thin!

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